Working with Variables

Variables are a powerful feature in Langtail that allow you to dynamically customize your prompts and models. They enable you to create reusable components and inject context-specific information into your language models.


Creating a Variable

  1. Log into Langtail and select your project.
  2. Navigate to ‘Prompts’ to either open an existing prompt or create a new one.
  3. In the ‘Template’ section, craft your prompt.
  4. Add new variable by using curls {{ }}
  5. Navigate to the Variables panel
  6. Enter the variable value (text, number, or other data types supported by Langtail).

Using Variables in Prompts

  1. In the prompt editor, use the {{variable_name}} syntax to reference your variable.
  2. Langtail will automatically replace the variable placeholder with its corresponding value when processing the prompt.

Example: Let’s create a variable called company_name with the value “Acme Inc.” and use it in a prompt:

Prompt: "Welcome to {{company_name}}! How can we assist you today?"
Output: "Welcome to Acme Inc.! How can we assist you today?"

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