Langtail is an LLMOps (Large Language Model Operations) platform designed to help teams accelerate the development of AI-powered applications and streamline the process of shipping them to production with fewer surprises. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features to manage the entire lifecycle of language models, from experimentation and testing to deployment and monitoring.

Key Features

Why Use Langtail?

Do any of these situations sound familiar?

  • I have a text file of sample user inputs and I paste them one by one into my app to see the output “seems good”.
  • My teammate from marketing wants to help write prompts but … all of them live in the codebase. So, I paste the prompt into a Google Doc and share it with them. Then copy it back to code when they’re done.
  • I have no idea if some users are costing me more money than others. The only data I have available is the monthly spend chart from OpenAI’s billing dashboard.
  • My LLM provider released a new version of their model but I’m too nervous to upgrade because I don’t want to break my app.

We are developers ourselves. We know from our own experience (and Twitter) that building great AI-powered products is hard. On top of that, the landscape is changing very quickly and can be overwhelming at times.

We built Langtail to address the pain points that a team experiences as they take their proof-of-concept and turn it into a real product that can be shipped to production.

Want to give it a try? Create a free Langtail account.


Stay up-to-date with the latest changes and improvements to Langtail by checking our changelog.

Get in Touch

Join our Discord community to report bugs, request features, or engage with other Langtail users and the development team. We value your feedback and contributions to help improve Langtail.

Additionally, you can check our public roadmap to see what’s coming next and contribute your ideas.

For more information, visit our GitHub repository and explore the codebase, documentation, and issue tracker.

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